Congress registration and fee
All participants attending the conference should pay the conference fee. In order for the presentation to be included in the programme and the book of abstracts, each presentation must be associated with at least one unique fee payment. At least one author must be registered with the conference.
Needless to say, invited keynote speakers do not pay the conference fee.
Conference fee covers the cost of the book of abstracts, conference materials, refreshments during breaks and welcome reception.
Early-bird deadline: 17th of October 2025 100 EUR
Final deadline: 28th of November 2025 115 EUR
Fees should be payed to Croatian philological society account. On-the-spot payments will not be possible.
Payment info:
Name of Bank: Zagrebacka banka
IBAN: HR7423600001101551990
SWIFT/BIC CODE: ZABA HR2X (for international payments)
Model: 00 Reference number: 1904 (payment from Croatia)
Name of account holder: Hrvatsko filolosko drustvo
Address of account holder: Ivana Lucica 3, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia
Payment description: Conference fee for SR2025, Name and surname
Please send a copy of the payment receipt to the e-mail before the registration deadline expires. Upon arrival, you will receive the proof of payment and the certificate of attendance.